Pet Phrases/Pet Words/Pet Actions
Authors have a tendency to develop pet phrases and/or pet
words. With pet words the author is
usually able to space the word out so it’s not as noticeable. Other authors seem incapable of this, so the
readers will pick up on it. If I start
to notice a pet word, readers will probably notice it as well. One author had a love affair with the word crystalline. A person’s eyes were crystalline, the air had
a crystalline quality, another person’s voice was crystalline. Another author was fond of “just then”, which
is really bad because both just and then are on the list of unnecessary
words you want to cut whenever possible.
I’ve also seen authors who were infatuated with “in the nick of time”,
“quick as a cat”, and “lightning quick” or “lightning fast”. In a few manuscripts a ball of ice was always
forming in the pit of some character’s stomach.
It’s easy to fall into this trap because sometimes that’s the perfect
word or phrase for what you’re trying to convey, but you have to make yourself
aware of it. And yes, quite a few of the
pet phrases have also been clichés. If
the pet word or phrase is used for effect, it can work. (Like Gollum saying, “My precious” or
“precious” in LOTR. Oh, haven’t I told you? Yes, I can be a geek. Star Trek, Star Wars, Firefly…Oh, my!) You just have to be careful. You don’t want to turn it into the word or
phrase that gets made fun of because you overused it for effect.

She shrugged. “Yada
yada yada.”
He smirked. “Blah
blah blah.
She rolled her eyes.
“Neener neener neener.”
Sentence. Variety. You want it and you need it.
Yeah, I have an issue with sighing. My characters sigh quite frequently.
Oooh, that's another one I have to watch for.
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