Stay True to Your Character’s Voice
The voice of your character includes many aspects. Would your character use contractions, or are they more proper? Would they say "ain't"? What about "cain't" instead of "can't"?Do they drop the "g" at the end of "ing" words? Would they use words like "superfluous" and "salubrious"? Would they use "heck" and "darn" or "dang", instead of their more frowned upon cousins? Or would they say things akin to what the symbols in the picture above are supposed to represent? No matter what the case may be, you want your characters to talk like they would actually talk. While you don’t want to run your readers off with rampant
vulgarity, you also don’t want to lie to them in your fiction. If a character would actually say, “Oh,
poop.” that’s what you should write.
However, if your character would use a word that’s a little more, shall
we say…colorful, that’s also what you
should write. (As a matter of fact,
Stephen King says the same thing in On
Writing.) We all know people who
rarely, if ever, use a vulgar word. We
all know people that have such foul mouths we cringe whenever they start to
speak. And we all know people who are
somewhere in the middle. Your characters
are going to be the same way if you tell the truth in your fiction.

Don’t water down your character’s language if that wouldn’t be in character for them. Likewise, don’t ramp up their language if it would be out of character. You don’t want your readers to say, “They wouldn’t say that! That’s not how they talk.” Get to know your characters and stay true to their voices.
And please, please don’t add unnecessary profanity for shock value. Please. Just…Don’t.
Great post, Angela! I always enjoy reading a character who goes against the typical norm like the "grandma" you met who was nothing like your own grandma. I like it when authors shake things up a bit. :)
Kristin, I enjoy that too! Sometimes it definitely makes the characters more interesting. And I do have to say, I really like it when the little old lady LOOKS like she'd be in the kitchen baking cookies, but instead, she's climbing up the side of some mountain in the middle of nowhere, doing something like eXtreme skiing, or is a contract killer. :)
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