Doing something a little different for my blogs, Unicorn Bell and Spirit Called. Since we are all interested in food, well...

I have a relative who has a problem with gluten. She avoids wheat and even has stomach upsets if the restaurant leaves a crouton on her salad.
When store bought bread gave me the same problems, I wondered if gluten was the reason as well. On a whim, I munched on my homemade bread and was amazed when nothing happened. Nothing. No problems.
One friend said it’s the preservatives in store bought bread. I don’t know. I just know it ain’t the wheat or gluten.
My favorite recipe is for hot rolls. It’s a combination of recipe book, my long-departed mother-in-law, and me. This is for a bread machine but can be adapted for those without one:
To bread machine:
1 ¼ warm water
¼ C butter
1 t salt
1/3 C dried milk
Then add:
1 egg mixed with ¼ C sugar
3 ¾ c bread flour (I always use King Arthur brand)
Make a well and add,
1 ¾ t yeast.
Set machine on dough. Mine takes 90 minutes to mix, knead, and rise.
Form 15 rolls and place in greased 9x13 cake pan.
Cover. Let rise 20 mins.
Bake in 400 degree oven for 15 – 20 mins.
For more information, go to the King Arthur Flour
Great recipe for Easy Plain Bread is on their website.
For my favorite crusty French bread-type recipe, go to Spirit Called.