As one of the new moderators on Unicorn Bell, I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.
I'm Kristin Smith, a busy baseball/soccer mom by day and a writer of romance by night. I am so excited about our very first Inspiring Stories Contest! But in order to make this contest a success, I need YOUR story!
We all have them. It doesn't have to be a grand "knock your socks off story", just any story that leaves you with a warm fuzzy and could potentially inspire or uplift someone else.
For example, have you ever judged someone based on appearance and they turned out to be one of the nicest people you've ever met?
Were you ever having an awful day and a friend called out of the blue that you hadn't spoken to in a while? Or have you had friends in your blogging community "uplift" you after a rejection from an agent or publisher?
Have you had to deal with the loss of a loved one? Have you undergone surgery and the love and support from friends and family members pulled you through?
We ALL have stories. Sometimes we need to tap into our soul to remember them.
For the rest of the day, please think about which story you'd like to share. Type it up and send it to me at
I will accept submissions through Monday. Can't wait to hear your story!

For more information on the rules of the contest, click HERE.
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