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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What About Blogfests?

Bloghops infest thrive in our blogosphere. We sign up via Linky tools, wait for the day and post according to the theme du jour.

Then visit other blogs. Follow. Comment.

Of what value are they?

Blogfests increase traffic, viewership, and expands our knowledge. Some of my best buds came about in this way.

It’s a chance to do a meet ‘n greet with our fellow ‘net cruisers. In my case preferably writers.

But is it worth it?

I want to post articles that are of interest to our followers. I want to provide a service. But I also want to keep on track with my original goal; 

So, why participate in bloghops/fests?

At this time, I am of two minds. The events are fun and whimsical. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy them and meeting new people. But it can be downright taxing. 

I am still recovering from the April 2012 A to Z Challenge.

Cutting to the chase, when I did A to Z, I quit writing. My word count for the entire month of April went to 500 words. Not day, not a week, but my total for the Whole Month.

It blew my previous writing schedule into tiny bits of wind-blown confetti.

My posts were simple for the blogfest. I almost felt guilty as I composed them since most of them were fewer than 80 words. But visiting other blogs, commenting, checking out my best friends and followers, reading their posts, and cheering them on, it all took time that I did not have.

Did I say that I quit writing? Stopped. Abandoned. Deserted.

It's difficult to get back into my routine. Only now is it returning to the way it was. I have my notes and research and will eventually climb back onto that snorty horse. But, dang, will I do another blogfest soon?


I feel as though I’ve lost something very important. 
Finding it again means remembering exactly why I wanted it in the first place.

What about you? Was A to Z a problem for you also? 


Unknown said...

Being prepared is the key. I pre-posted everything for the A-Z challenge a long time in advance and I stuck to a schedule. Blogfests are an important part of blogging but blogging should never interfere with your main goal. Good luck with your writing!

Sarah said...

I didn't do A to Z. In fact, I took a break from blogging altogether, because I had deadlines and had to get things done. I think blogfests are awesome, but I only do the simple single-day ones, because I can't commit to anything more. I saw A to Z as a commitment to the blogging community, but one that would definitely require sacrifice if you planned to not only post, but visit all the other participants! Glad to hear your writing is getting back on track.

Huntress said...

My A to Z posts were so easy that scheduling them two weeks in advance was simple.
I wanted to visit as many of my regulars as possible while meeting new bloggers that participated in the 'Fest. It left me guilt ridden when it became an unrealistic goal.

And it wasn't *just* the blogfest. LIFE knocked on my door also and spirited me away :)

Huntress said...

I love blogfests and find them difficult to resist. Even now when I should be concentrating on my wip, I hear the siren's call of First Loves, Oh, Those High School Dances Bloghop, and Dust It Off Blogfest.

Leigh Caron said...

Thank you! I thought I was the only one who felt inundated by the A-Z Challenge. And like you, I didn't write much.

blankenship.louise said...

I don't do many blogfests. I never seem to hear about half of them, and the other half aren't... relevant? (I never went to any high school dances.)

So I wasn't prepared for A to Z and the amount of brain space it was going to appropriate for itself. And I started to resent it, toward the end. I've been ignoring my blog for days, in sort of a backlash.

I'm thinking I will continue to not do many blogfests :)

Charity Bradford said...

I've started feeling selfish when it comes to blogfest/hops. They are lots of fun, and sometimes they push me to write something I wouldn't otherwise do. However, the time issue is where I get selfish.

I'm guilty of half participating. I'll write, comment on people I already follow doing the fest, and then visit those who comment on mine. This way I'm trying to return the favor of those who took the time to comment on mine, but saving some time of trying to hit everyone in the fest.

Do you think this is wrong of me?

1000th.monkey said...

I've only ever signed up for a couple blogfests (since I've also only been blogging for a year)

When I do see one that looks interesting, I check the commitment time (I'm more for the 1-day ones), AND I check how many people have signed up for a blogfest... because, when I commit to one, I (mentally) commit to reading EVERY entry. If there are like 150+ entries, I don't bother signing up 'cause I know I don't want to commit that much time.

...also mental energy. Since I'm dyslexic, my enemies are word verification and colour/text layouts that are confusing/difficult to read. I get tired very quickly when I have to read/comment on a lot of different pieces of writing, which pretty much kills buy ability to read & write for the rest of the day.

So, I have to be choosy ;)

Huntress said...

You could bite off the head of a chicken and I wouldn't criticize.

Huntress said...

oh, word verification *groan*
I forgot about that pesky stumbling block.

I've exited someone's blog w/o leaving my comment when WV proved too difficult to maneuver.

Huntress said...

I went to my prom :) Still got the dress even.

Alex Cavanaugh has ninja powers. Or so he says. I think a Horcrux is involved personally.

Tara Tyler said...

definitely a time out from my wip! prob wont do that one next year. but i like to do smaller ones here and there =)

Charmaine Clancy said...

A-Z did suck a huge amount of time from my writing. It has been a great way to gain followers, but there's no point for me if I don't end up producing something for them to follow. I don't regret doing A-Z and recommend it for new bloggers, but I'll give it a miss next year.
I'm actually on a challenge to take things easier this month. I joined up one to do 5-10minutes meditation everyday. It was exactly what I needed after A-Z, I'm also trying to free write at least 5minutes a day and all this has given me more inspiration, I've written more words this month on my WIP than any other this year.
If you want an easy blogfest, Denise Covey is hosting one over at Romantic Writers Friday where you'll just repost your favourite post from April. That's about my speed at the moment :)

Angela Brown said...

I was intimidated with the idea of doing the A to Z blogging challenge. I'd just decided, this year to stop blogging daily and just do 3 days because it was hard. Now, here I was, giving this a try for one month of challenge.

I've been so blessed by it. I loved my theme and after much encouragement and wondferful comments I'm on the road to self pubbing NEVERLOVE to answer the questions, "What will become of Father Quanon? And can Abby and Basil's love survive?"

Ciara said...

I loved it and will do it again. Unfortunately, I was on deadline and it made things problematic. I'll do my best not to have that conflict next year. Also, I'll have all the posts done before April 1st.

mshatch said...

I really enjoyed doing a-z and loved checking out what other people did but my word count was like yours; dismal. Next year I may do what my friend Dianne did and take the month off and just write!

I just wish I didn't have a theme all picked out...