Monday, January 2, 2017

Dear Unicorn Bell

Dear Unicorn Bell,

Two years ago, Kristin Smith asked me if I’d like to join Unicorn Bell. Huntress and the other moderators welcomed me with open arms. The fact that you all saw something in what I was doing on my blog, and you invited me to join you here, thrilled me. Thanks, ladies!

And thank you to all Unicorn Bell readers for embracing me and my Dear Writer posts. Your comments, shares, and support were amazing, I was honored to be able to share writing advice and writerly motivation. I truly hope I helped and inspired you.

Today is a new year, though. I am sorry to say that I will be stepping down from being a Unicorn Bell moderator to make room for other responsibilities. I’m going to continue blogging at Write with Fey, but even there I’ll be blogging a little less. This will allow me to focus on writing, freelance editing, and being an administrator for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group (my big job with them is the monthly newsletter).

Before I go, let’s take a walk down memory lane. Here are all of my Dear Writer posts published on Unicorn Bell:

Writing Advice:

Writing Life:






Thank you again for making my time at Unicorn Bell special.

I’ve cherished your friendship, and I look forward to continuing it. You can sign up for my free monthly newsletter for updates as well as giveaways. (I’m doing a 12-Month Book Giveaway throughout 2017!)

I’ll see you around the blogosphere. :)


Chrys Fey

Author of Hurricane Crimes, 30 Seconds, Ghost of Death, and Witch of Death. Blogger. Reader. Auntie. Vegetarian. Cat Lover.


  1. Sad to see you go Chrys, take care. Happy New Year and life always has it's twists and turns.

  2. @Sheena-kay, I'll still be around, though. :) Happy New Year!!!

  3. Sorry to see you go, Chrys. Oh, and like the new pic of you, btw :)

  4. Sorry to see you go. It was great having you here.

  5. Good luck with your other responsibilities, Chrys.

  6. @Mshatch, Thank you! :D

    @Liz, I'll miss being here.

    @Patricia, thank you! And the same to you.

  7. We are better writers because of you, a gift of great price.
    My Heart to You.

  8. @Huntress, aw! Thank you! That is a wonderful compliment. <3

  9. Obat Ayan untuk Anak dan Dewasa Herbal yang Aman

    Memang ada beragam cara untuk menyembuhkan penyakit ayan salah satunyan dengan mengkonsumsi obat ayan yang aman dan tepat, tapi karena penyakit ayan yang mengharuskan penderitanya mengkonsumsi obat dalam jangka waktu panjang maka alangkah baiknya jika Anda memilih obat ayan yang alami .

  10. Best wishes! I sense you are a gift to everyone graced by your presence.


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