Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Ashes Burn: Amazing Power

It's book tour week, but instead of the usual book promotion posts, I'm changing things up a bit. I'm mashing them up with the "what if?" posts. It's an experiment, so you'll have to tell me what you think.

Today's "what if?" comes to us from Tyrean Martinson...

What if you had an amazing power, but couldn't control it? What if your power had killed or hurt innocents? What would you do? Where would you go? We all know that running from the past doesn’t work, but would we try anyway, even if it meant leaving behind everything we had ever known?

Now, could you write that story in a hint fiction story?

Hint fiction is fiction of twenty-five words or less. It’s like a spark for a reader’s imagination. The most famous example is Hemingway’s six word story: “For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

I discovered hint fiction last spring, and I've found it thoroughly enjoyable. So I started a hint fiction serial, Ashes Burn. Season 1: Ashes Away just came out in e-book format, and it contains 30 episodes of hint fiction. Yes, it’s experimental. So, I'm trying to spread my hint fiction love. Try it, you just might like it. J

Ashes Burn Season 1: Ashes Away is part of a hint fiction series based on the lives of three characters: Wend, on the run from his past; Teresa, hunting for the man she loves; and King Bryant, a man haunted by nightmares and desperate to hold onto his throne.

Ashes Burn Season 1: Ashes Away is available at:

Tyrean Martinson is online at:
Tyrean’s Writing Spot

For other hint fiction offerings, check out:
Nail Polish Stories
Seven by Twenty
And, one of my fave super short stories: “Failed SAT. Lost scholarship. Invented rocket. - William Shatner” from Wired: Very Short Stories 2006


  1. I love the idea of hint fiction! (Especially since time seems to be so limited anymore, haha.) Hope you have lots of success with Ashes Burn, Tyrean! :)

  2. I've never heard of hint fiction, but I totally love it! What a great idea. I'm so curious how you put this sort of writing down in story form. Hmmm... So checking it out. Thanks, Tyrean!

  3. Heather - I know what you mean. Time is fleeting and Hint fiction is all about sparking the imagination in a moment. :)

    SA - Thanks, SA!

  4. I've never heard of hint fiction either. That might be fun to try.

    Congrats, Tyrean!

  5. I wasn't familiar with the phrase "hint fiction" but the Guppy Chapter of Sisters in Crime celebrated their 25th anniversary by putting together a collection of 25 (exactly) word stories from our members. It's amazing what can be said in 25 words.

  6. Hint fiction sounds interesting and super hard. Short is not my strong suit, so maybe I should practice.

  7. Never heard of hint fiction before.

  8. I haven't heard of hint fiction either but it sounds like fun. Congrats to Tyrean!

  9. Never heard of it.

    Congratulations on your new book.

  10. L. Diane - it is fun to write. :)

    LD - it is pretty amazing what can be said so quickly. :)

    Charity - I tried it because it sounded super challenging, but then I found a rhythm to it. It's just a different fiction venue.

    Huntress -yes, it's a pretty small type of fiction on the large stage of writing.

    Marcy - Thanks!

    Peaches - Thank you!

    Liz -Thanks for hosting me!

  11. I've never heard of hint fiction, but I also never heard of Flash Fiction and now I love it. Good Luck Tyrean!!!


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