Thursday, November 7, 2013

Interview with Natalie Fischer Lakosil

I hope you've enjoyed getting to know some agents this week. Today we have the amazing Natalie Lakosil from the Bradford Literary Agency.
 Feel free to ask any questions you might have for this agent in the comments.

What was your first favorite book ever and why?

Oh boy. FIRST favorite book. Well, from what I can recall, it might have been MINOU (I love cats, it almost made me cry every time, AND it came with a plush cat – score!), THE AMAZING TRAVELS OF INGRID OUR TURTLE (so fantastical and funny, but inspiring and amazing), or PETER RABBIT (pretty sure because it ALSO came with a plush toy).

What is your current favorite book and why?

It is impossible for me to pick one!

If you could only eat one dessert for the rest of your life what would it be?


If you were not a literary agent, what would you be?

A computer programmer/engineer. I’m fascinated by code.

What kind of book(s) are you hoping to find in the next few months?

I’d love more adult (contemporary romance and NA, magical realism general fiction) and darker YA.

Please tell us a bit about your agent style, how you prefer to be queried and why you love your agency.

I think the words to describe me as an agent are: responsive, pragmatic, honest, and driven. I only accept queries to our general query box (, with the query, synopsis, and first ten pages in the body of an email. I love my agency because I have room to really grow and explore my personal style, while backed by years of experience and knowledge.

Will you be open to queries over the holiday season or taking time off?


A bit more about Natalie:

Natalie is an agent and Laura’s assistant at the Bradford Literary Agency. An honors graduate of the University of San Diego, California, Natalie holds a B.A. in Literature/Writing. After nearly four years at the Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency and a brief dabble in writing author profiles and book reviews for the San Diego Union Tribune, Natalie joined the Bradford Agency in February of 2011.

Natalie is drawn to talented, hard-working new authors with a fresh, unique voice and hook. Her specialties are children’s literature (from picture book through teen and New Adult), romance (contemporary and historical), cozy mystery/crime, upmarket women’s/general fiction and select children’s nonfiction. Her interests include historical, multi-cultural, magical realism, sci-fi/fantasy, gritty, thrilling and darker contemporary novels, middle grade with heart, and short, quirky or character-driven picture books. She is always drawn to an open and positive attitude in an author, professionalism, good grammar, and fantastical, beautifully written, engaging and sexy plots.

Natalie is not looking for: Inspirational novels, memoir, romantic suspense, adult thrillers, poetry, screenplays

Natalie is a member of SCBWI.

Twitter: @Natalie_Lakosil

1 comment:

  1. Hypothetical question: Let's say you requested a full and really almost loved it. Would you be willing to look at a revised version of the same manuscript assuming it was revised per your comments?


Your turn.

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