Tuesday, October 29, 2013


NaNo starts on Friday. (Insert dramatic music here.)

So, for those of you planning to partake...
  1. Do you outline your writing or do you make it up as you go along?
  2. Do you have a plan for November?
  3. What are you going to write about?  


  1. I'm working on the sequel to my published novel THE MAGIC WAKES a mix of fantasy and scifi elements wrapped up in an adventure. :)

    For the most part I'm a discovery writer (read pantser!), but I'm learning to do some outlining and plotting. This year will be easy since I already know so much about my characters (Talia and Landry), but I did make this great conflict board for them.

    It has a line of index cards for each character outlining their goal for the novel, the problem and obstacles preventing them from reaching that goal and the consequence of failure to reach the goal. This will help me stay focused on the task at hand. I also have a list of "events" to happen along the way.

    This will be my first year doing Nano so prepared. Hopefully it will help me knock out a higher quality draft than just "winging" it. I'd love to get this sequel done and submitted to my publisher by the beginning of next summer.

  2. I'd like to participate in a writing challenge. But I'm not sure NaNo is for me since I am 33K into my present wip and need to finish.

    Is NaNo for me or is something else out there? A buddy-system or partner?

  3. CD, you can always "rebel" it and say you must finish the novel you're working on in November. Make Nano work for you instead of trying to fit in it's mold.

    That's always been my philosophy though. :)

  4. You know, in the past if I were participating, I'd totally be a pantser. But I am not participating this year, but if I were, I'd plan. I've converted! I'll be cheering those on who are doing NaNo this year. I wish you all luck.

  5. I am planning on participating in NaNo this time around. However, I can't get into my computer. I don't even get it, but it isn't accepting my password and refuses to upload my "user profile." Bah humbug. So, my novel is trapped in there. However, assuming I get it out... I will pants it!!!

  6. Wow, Charity, I'm impressed.

    CD, I'd buddy with you, but there's no writing going on at present 'round these parts. Unless you include 14 pg midterms that are printing as I type this...

    Mel, I'm so a planner, too.

    Robin, I hope you figure out what's wrong with your computer. The only computer trick I know is the restart.

  7. I'm doing it, even though I ALWAYS outline... and I don't have an outline yet. Which scares me half to death.

    I'm working on my second novel.

    We'll see how it goes.

    I wish I could say I'd planned, but I'm sort of just jumping in with my eyes closed!

    I'm Liz Blocker over there, too, for all you participants. Come buddy me!


Your turn.

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