Monday, October 28, 2013

It's Coming!

November starts on Friday. And we all know what that means...

National Novel Writing Month - Press Start

Are you going to do NaNo this year? Have you done NaNo in the past?


  1. Wow. Didn't we just have Nano a year ago?

    I greatly admire the people who do this. To me they are like a marathon runner trying to race while juggling Life and a day job.

    Kudos to everyone doing it.

  2. This will be my 5th year doing it and hopefully my 4th "win". My goal is to get a rough draft of my sequel on paper.

    Anyone can add me--solstice1974--to their buddy list.

  3. I just signed up for NaNo. It will be my first time!

  4. I have never done Nano and I doubt I will. But each year I assign myself a goal to complete during the month. It has worked well for me. This year I am taking a class which will continue on through most of the month. My goal this time is to keep applying what I am learning to my current project.

  5. NANO intrigues me but I know I would totally suck balls at it.

    Your title reminds me of the plants vs zombies...They're Commmmmiiiinggggg....gaaarrrrrr!

  6. Good luck, Charity and Robin. Here's to a win *clinks water cup*.

  7. I'm crawling into a internet hole and not coming out for the entire month!

    Good luck to all participating though.


  8. Only decided 2 days ago to take part! Hoping I can get to the end!
    Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe


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