Monday, August 13, 2012

Interview with Donna O'Brien

We are going to share a short interview with each of our guest judges this week to help you get to know them better.

Here's a reminder of what Donna is looking for in a manuscript at this time.

Currently, we are looking for voice rather than specific genre requirements, though we are primarily a boutique publisher of high quality fantasy, futuristic, and paranormal fiction. We are interested in urban fantasy, dystopian, futuristic science fiction, steampunk, mind-bending time travel, space operas, mythological as well as historical retellings with a twist, epic high fantasy, and the paranormal. We are also interested in paranormal categories of suspense, thrillers, gothica, and mystery. CMP also accepting submissions in the YA and New Adult categories of the above mentioned genres.

1. How did you decide to get into editing/publishing?

I was previously in the legal field, doing lots of research, writing and editing. I've always loved books and had the opportunity to join Crescent Moon Press in applying my skills in a much more enjoyable way.

2. Why did you choose the publisher you are working with now?

Crescent Moon Press had an excellent reputation for publishing quality manuscripts and had a fairly wide range of genres. The owners are both extremely wonderful women and are the most excellent bosses I have ever had.

3. What's your favorite part of the job?

Finding THAT story! The one that's unique and gripping yet is told so well that you are instantly transported into the author's world.

4. What is your current favorite book that you could read over and over?

Oh gosh! Just look at all the latest releases on our website and you can see why I would have a hard time picking just one. *grins*


  1. Oooo! Lovely interview. mythological retellings are just what I have ready to go:) Yay!

    1. *rubs hands together* Goody, goody! Can't wait to see your query next week.

  2. As a new author with CMP, I'm thrilled to be with them.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ink - Get that query together and then send away!
    Susan - *Waives* Good to see you and we are so glad to have you and your book!
    Charity - Thanks for having us.

    1. Yay Donna! I'll be working on it and I'm looking to nab so great advice for my query this week and next! Thanks:)

  5. A class act! CMP is at the top of my short list of Most-Favored-Publisher.

  6. Your interview is so upbeat! It's nice to meet you. :)

  7. Huntress: Hi and thanks for the compliment!
    Lara: Thanks for stopping by and nice to meet you as well!

  8. I'd already been eyeing up CMP for my paranormal novella. So tempted to send a query now. Must wait. Pretty sure my query sucks.

  9. Aldrea - I'm sure you will benefit from all the query tips offered by Unicorn Bell. But no matter what, polish up that query and your confidence and send it out! ;)

  10. Great interview and big bummer. I have a 'mythological retelling' that is not quite ready. Not the work I'm querying this time around, but I will certainly keep you in mind.


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