Friday, April 22, 2016

#AtoZchallenge S is for Scene and Setting

I owe everyone an apology today. The plan had been to talk about the importance of setting and scenes in our writing. However, I'm currently typing this on my phone so it will be super short and contain questions for you. 

What books have used setting to draw you in, or to highlight some aspect of the story? Please share specific examples. 

We've all heard that a scene it should contain a beginning middle and an end. The  most important thing is that it must have a purpose. If it doesn't have a purpose then you don't need it. 
Share an author who you think does this really well. 

Check out the other participants HERE.


  1. I'm a sucker for books set in places I love. I've read all of James Lee Burke's books set in and around New Orleans and Dennis Lehane's books set in Boston because I love both of those cities.

    Meet My Imaginary Friends

  2. I'll have to think about this. I get pulled in by the feels, not by the setting usually.

  3. I don't know how to answer this, honestly. My brain seems a little fried this afternoon. :) No worries over a short post. You really make me think.
    Awakening Dreams and Conquering Nightmares with a Pen
    Be well!

  4. The Hobbit pulled me in right off with its setting, beginning in a hobbit hole, of course!

  5. In my recent stories, the setting really helped with my premise. Like Florida for Hurricane Crimes and San Francisco for Seismic Crimes. The setting made the stories. :)


Your turn.

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