Friday, March 18, 2016

How I Got My Agent: Wendy Knight

So excited to have author Wendy Knight here today to share her story of how she got her agent. Thank you, Wendy! :)


Before I got my agent, I had published thirteen novels through a small publisher and self-publishing. Monster Whisperer was something different though. It was a picture book, and I had no idea how to do that on my own. So I started querying and entering contests, not with a lot of hope, because I had queried my debut novel, Feudlings, for a year with many, many rejections before my publisher, Clean Reads, found me. But the contests were fun, and I liked to meet other authors who were in the trenches with me.

I entered the Twitter Pitmad contest, where you try to describe your book in less than 140 characters, and make it interesting enough to catch attention. Somehow, miracle of miracles, I caught Jordy’s eye, and she asked to see it. Since it’s barely 1,000 words, I sent the whole thing. And then…I waited. While I waited, I continued to query and work on other projects to save my sanity. A month later, she sent me an email asking if I was still seeking representation.

I may have squealed. A lot.

Then I wrote her back and said yes, yes I was, and I think I used a lot of exclamation points. We set up a time to chat on the phone, and then I waited some more. Unfortunately, I am TERRIFIED of the phone. My adorable husband came home from work so he could offer moral support during the call, and I paced back and forth and back and forth, like, a gazillion times through my kitchen. Honestly, I can’t remember much of what we talked about. I had researched questions to ask ahead of time, and things to think about and things to watch out for, but I didn’t remember anything.

I do remember, though, how nice she was. We had similar interests and I told her the story of Monster Whisperer, which was based on my two little ones and their fear of the monsters in the dark. She then said she had to talk to her partner about representing me, and she would send a contract. In celebration, I bought thigh-high pink boots.

So there it is. How I got my agent. And she is awesome!

Author Bio:

Wendy Knight is the award-winning, bestselling author of the young adult series Fate on Fire and Riders of Paradesos. She was born and raised in Utah by a wonderful family who spoiled her rotten because she was the baby. Now she spends her time driving her husband crazy with her many eccentricities (no water after five, terror when faced with a live phone call, no touching the knives…you get the idea). She also enjoys chasing her three adorable kids, playing tennis, watching football, reading, and hiking. Camping is also big—her family is slowly working toward a goal of seeing all the National Parks in the U.S.

You can usually find her with at least one Pepsi nearby, wearing ridiculously high heels for whatever the occasion. And if everything works out just right, she will also be writing.

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1 comment:

  1. So, those Twitter things work? I keep seeing them, but I've never participated.


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