Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sevara: Dawn of Hope by Damian Wampler

Today, I'm bringing you two posts. ;-) I got sidetracked yesterday (oops) because I was working hard on creating my YouTube channel. So, my reviews will not only be on my website; they will also appear on YouTube! I'm excited by the new direction A Drop of Ink Reviews is heading and being able to use today's technology to expand the reach of independent authors and potentially reach more people than ever before.

Now, on to a review that won't even appear on my website until tomorrow.

When fifteen-year-old Sevara refuses to marry, she's kicked out of her orphanage and left on the streets of Plexus with nothing. She doesn't last long on the outside. Luckily, someone has been watching her.

A shape-shifting immortal gives Sevara a second chance at life, and a powerful set of gifts. But when Sevara begins a doomed love affair with the man she could have married, she must choose between protecting the city and saving the only man she's ever loved.
(taken from Goodreads)

My Opinion:

Sevara is a headstrong young woman. That is not something this society regards as a good trait. Females are not something someone wants. When one is born, the girl child is taken to one of the local orphanages and placed there. There are only two ways out. To be bought by a male looking to essentially raise his wife to be a model servant and bedmate or to age out. Hidden until her 14th birthday, Sevara eventually ages out. However, her personal sense of morality is a hindrance and sparks something no one in power ever wants to see. A possible change in the way things are.

In a country torn by war, Sevara aims to do what is right, no matter the cost.

I have always thought I had a good imagination, but Damian Wampler pushed it to the limits. I’ll admit there are a few things he put into his book that I still can’t picture. The main thing is the transportation system. I honestly cannot picture how such a thing would work, but Wampler could. In the end, I suppose that’s all that matters.

Sevara: Dawn of Hope is split into three books. Every time one ended, I’d turn the page on my e-reader in the hopes the next section was there. I was kept completely engaged in the story until the very end. There were a few parts where I was like, “You have got to be kidding me,” but they were few and far between. It was his world to put together as he saw fit and that’s all that matters.

I’d definitely put this in the steampunk genre, but the entire series shows promise. I’m not sure where he’s going next, but it could be fun to follow along and find out. Well, as soon as I can free up more reading time and catch up on my TBR list that is. However, I did finish reading this book a good week ago and it still lingers in my mind. That is definitely a sign of a well-told story.

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