Friday, October 30, 2015

Top 5 Reasons You Should Attend a Writers Conference

As if you need a reason!

Here are my top 5 anyway...

5. Free books for door prizes.

4. The classes WILL make you a better writer.

3. You can find critique partners easily in a large group of writers.

2. Agent pitch sessions could catapult you into your writing dreams.

1. You get to talk to other people about your imaginary friends without being judged. In fact, you might even gain admirers. My daughter worded it this way, "You get to be with all the other weirdos."

Have you been to a conference? What was your favorite part? What would you add to the list?


  1. I have not been to a writer's conference, nor have I felt the need to. I'm not much of a goer and doer, so I don't see the need for it.

  2. Very good points. I loved the one writer's conference that I attended. But then I moved to outer Mongolia (relatively speaking) and unless I wish to fly across a continent, there are very few near me.

    The answer, of course, is to set up a group that puts on writers' conferences (which, actually, could be fun). But until then I scan calendars, look at chasses, look at my own schedule, and sigh.

  3. I attended a one-day conference a few years ago. I enjoyed it, and learned a great deal about developing ideas. Joyce Carol Oates was the special guest. The interview with her was the highlight of the day.


  4. Loved the two conferences I attended. But my introverted nature is a block. I am the quiet one in the corner wondering what to say.

  5. @Liz, you might one day. :) I guess it's twice as fun for me because not only do I love the educational side, but unlike @Huntress, I'm into the social aspect too.

    @Diana, I totally get the lurking, browsing, drooling over classes and attending agents but having to sigh and move on. I feel lucky that there is a relatively inexpensive but well done conference just three hours from me. When they did one day conferences I could get up at 4 AM and be home by midnight. It was hard, but totally worth it for me.

    @Janie, I bet! I love when the interviews and keynote speakers are amazing. Well, that sounds weird because every one I've been to has been amazing. Even when I didn't know anything about that author before the conference.

  6. I have been to a conference and enjoyed it! My trouble is is that they tend to be expensive what with travel and lodging...

  7. I've been to conferences and enjoyed them. Am not a big networker, but the classes are always great!

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