Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Marketing Ups and Downs

While I'm waiting to hear what you'd like to see on UB, I thought I'd post a few questions.

Marketing is a big deal for writers no matter how you publish. Some people seem to just GET this. Most of us struggle. Here's what slows down my marketing:

  • No money or very little to allocate to marketing
  • No time--I need to be writing, not marketing
  • The things I know how to do don't provide an increase of sales anymore (tweeting, blog tours, facebook messaging)
  • I don't know where to start
  • I don't know where to find my audience--or I can't afford to travel to them at comicons
  • I haven't the slightest idea how to get on the radio, or in the paper (at least not legally and without spending some time in jail)
  • Thinking about marketing sucks all the life out of me
  • There are too many other demands on my time
  • Craft fairs and farmer's markets aren't the best place to sell books--at least its a hit and miss kind of thing
  • It's time consuming searching for blog reviewers to beg them to read and review honestly
  • I gave away 1000 e-copies and didn't get a single review so what's the freakin' point anyway??
What slows or prevents you from marketing?

Okay, now that my heart rate is up and I'm feeling super anxious. Let's calm down and talk about things that have worked in regards to marketing.

  • In the past, I had success with guest posting on blogs and twitter blasts. However, I think the internet is so saturated with book tours that they are no longer noticeable. Perhaps that's why it's better to go the interview/character interview or simply blogging on a topic or theme from your story. It allows the reader to get a deeper insight into the author and book than a simple BUY MY BOOK because it's OUT kind of thing.
  • I love setting up a booth at some fair and interacting with people. There aren't a lot of bookstores here so it's my only option. Talking with people about your book lets them see your excitement. Passion about anything is contagious. 
See, my marketing experience is woefully small. I've created a mailing list, but I'm not sure how to build the list. 

What has worked for you in the marketing department?

Do you have a newsletter? How do you find/convince people to sign up for it?


  1. The label I have for what you've just posted is FLOUNDERING and i truly understand the feeling. I don't have, and, right now, don't plan to have a NL. I do have what I'm calling my Special Offers Mailing List. That's as advanced as I am right now, and if you check back next week, month, year I will probably be in the same place. FLOUNDERING. At least we're in the water. That's a big step.

  2. Perhaps it's time to stop thinking about it. The answers seem to come when we're not seeking them out.

  3. I struggle with this, too. I think blog book tours do help although I don't think they show extremely fast or large results. I think that people have to hear about your book several times before they start reading them. I know this sounds silly, but I think it's true. I have to know a blogger for a while, or have seen their book multiple times, or have something in the blurb (this is undefinable) that catches my eye and then I buy their book. Sometimes, I'm faster, but sometimes I'm not. So, if I'm that slow, I know that potential readers of my books may be that slow, too. I have actually purchased books anywhere between a month and three months after I saw the first posting/tweet/etc about the book. When I find an author I love, I buy books more frequently but I don't always buy all of the books. I have been trying to see marketing through my own eyes as a buyer and then see how it applies to selling my books. I know that my buying patterns aren't everyone else's buying patterns, but I think there have to be some similarities. I also think there's a reason we see the same stinking tv commercials over and over again until we've memorized their jingle. We need to have our stuff out there so much that people memorize the jingle. At the same time, as bloggers and tweeters, we have to somehow share the spotlight and highlight other authors. It's tough, but I'm working on it . . . slowly. In fact, it might be ten years before a reader finds one of my books with how slow I am, but I'm hoping to catch that same reader sooner, if I can.

  4. I think most artists struggle with this. It's hard marketing yourself. There's lots of pressure for sure.


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