Friday, August 21, 2015

Epic Fail Authors. A Beloved Book

So far, I’ve given four examples of books that I read and enjoyed despite the controversy swirling around the authors.

Today, two books that killed the ride. And the best book of the year.

Both books that IMHO failed are by established authors. I worshipped them. I couldn’t wait for their next book, counted the days until I had it in my hot little hands.

All that came to a screeching halt.

One author—unnamed—wrote a fantastic series that made it to the movies. It didn’t do too well there but who cares, her next series was out and flying. It was better than so-so but not by much. I still loved her books. But she ended a book so egregiously stupid that I nearly threw my Kindle across the room. Glad I didn’t of course.

I’ve tippy-toed around her stuff since but stopped following her every move like the lurker I was. Mostly don’t care.

The other author wrote good stuff, excellent stories. But, he plastered a controversial viewpoint in one of his books. And it wasn’t just an opinion expressed. He slopped it on many pages with a heavy brush, made it a theme. I mudded through it until I couldn't stand it any longer and yelled, “Just shut up and sing” at my Kindle. At least I didn't throw it.

I quit him too.

In both books, the writing turned me from Yay to shrug, not the author’s personal life.

Now...drum roll please...the best book of the year!!!


Book Review. Awesome Book, Great Read, Highly Recommend, Couldn’t Put it Down, are different ways to hail a good book.

None of those superlatives comes close to the next book.

Fool’s Quest is about the continuing adventures of FitzChivalry, bastard prince who stays in the shadows, and Fool, his elusive and highly secretive friend. Fitz saves Fool after he kills him. Loses his daughter after he believes she is safe.

FitzChivalry Farseer can’t do anything right it seems.

Fool’s Quest is the latest in the series, Fitz and Fool by Robin Hobb. Her magnificent Farseer trilogy started with Assassin’s Apprentice in 1995 and continued with The Tawny Man in 2001. In between the two series, she wrote The Liveship Traders trilogy and The Rainwild Chronicles

Quest surpasses them all.

Talk about my Spock moment after the Romulans destroyed Vulcan. Emotionally compromised that is. This is the kind of book that should be required reading, the rich scenes, the marvelous writing...truly amazing. 

And the emotions.

I highly, highly recommend this series and especially this book.

Have you read Fool's Quest? Are there authors that turned you to the Dark Side? 

* * * *

Huntress aka CD Coffelt, author of The Magic Withheld series 


  1. I read Assassin's Apprentice way back when. I think I got through book two or three before life intervened and I lost track of the series. I'll have to go back and start over at this point, I think.

  2. @Liz - Look at it this way. With 8 books in this series and 7 in the other two series, you won't run out of reading material for a long time. Or, if you're like me (a speed reader) two weeks.*grin*


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