Friday, October 17, 2014

30 Seconds

Today Chrys Fey is joining us to tell us a bit about her newest release, 30 Seconds, and her newest favorite TV show. And of course a bit about her writing process and publishing experience...

1. Where did the initial idea for 30 Seconds come from?

I had a dream that I was sitting cross-legged on a swivel chair, spinning wildly to pounding rock music with my eyes closed. Suddenly, my fast rotation stopped and lips touched mine. I opened my eyes to see a hot cop in full uniform. “I shouldn't have done that,” he said and left. I immediately woke up and pondered a story idea about a woman who falls in love with a cop even though she knows she shouldn't. That’s when Dani and Blake sauntered into my imagination. My dream even made it as a scene in 30 Seconds.

2. Which part of the publishing process was the most surprising?

How difficult it is to get an agent. I have been approaching agents for the first book in a series off and on for seven years and I still don't have one. It’s a good thing I didn't need one to submit to The Wild Rose Press or else I wouldn't be published at all.

3. If you could give yourself any piece of advice before you started writing, what would it be?

I was twelve when I started writing with the goal of one day being published, so I would tell myself to be patient. If I could have, I would've been published at the age of twelve and that might've been a disaster. I now believe things happen when they do for a reason, so...for all the aspiring writers out patient!

4. Plotter or pantster?

I'm a little of both. I always write a complete outline whenever I get a new story idea. I even include conversations so I won't forget dialogue. When I'm writing though, I allow myself to change things up if I get a better idea, or if my characters tell me to do something different. If my characters speak, I do as they say! After all, I'm writing their story.

5. Quiet room or noisy room when you're writing? How quiet do you need it? What sort of noise?

Headphones are usually snug over my ears no matter how noisy or quiet the room is around me.

6. Your writing area/desk: a place for everything and everything in its place or if anyone ever straightened it, you'd never find a thing?

I tend to get a little OCD when it comes to my desk and my papers. I like things to be in order so I can find them quickly and easily. But I do love to decorate it for every holiday. Right now I have a pumpkin perched on the corner of my desk.

7. What is your current pop culture obsession (book, TV show, movie, webcomic…)? What are the rest of us missing?

How to Get Away with Murder, the TV show, is my current obsession. I love Viola Davis as Annalise Keating, and the twists are exciting!

30 Seconds

When Officer Blake Herro agreed to go undercover in the Mob, he thought he understood the risks. But he's made mistakes and now an innocent woman has become their target. He's determined to protect her at all costs.

The Mob's death threat turns Dr. Dani Hart's life upside down, but there is one danger she doesn’t anticipate. As she's dodging bullets, she's falling in love with Blake. With danger all around them, will she and Blake survive and have a happy ending, or will the Mob make good on their threat?

Chrys Fey

Chrys Fey is a lover of rock music just like Dani Hart in 30 Seconds. Whenever she's writing at her desk, headphones are always emitting the sounds of her musical muses--especially that of her favorite band, 30 Seconds to Mars, the inspiration behind the title.

30 Seconds is her second eBook with The Wild Rose Press. Her debut, Hurricane Crimes, is also available on Amazon.


The Wild Rose Press


  1. Congrats on being published, Chrys. I know that I've said this before on other blogs... but it still seems HUGE to me.

    I haven't decided yet if I like Shonda Rimes' new show. It's on the DVR and I watched the pilot. My jury is still out, but I am glad YOU like it.

  2. Way cool dream! And way cool idea for a book.

    It appears you are on your way. Oh wait. there marketing, book signings, library visits, press releases...yeah, you're just getting started.

    If someone had told me that marketing was in the future of this confirmed introvert, would I have done anything different? Maybe prepared better, LOL. Steeled my quivery, Who Me?

    Best of luck with 30 Seconds. Absolutely cool title as well.

  3. @Robin, you definitely should watch more of it. It gets better. Or at least I think so. :) And thank you!

    @Huntress, yes I am just getting started, but I'm looking forward to all of that. :) Thank you!!

  4. Thank you to Liz and to all the wonderful bloggers of Unicorn Bell for having me today! :D

  5. Dang, I wish I could remember my dreams when I wake up. Congrats on 30 Seconds.


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