Friday, August 29, 2014

YouTube Content

Now we know why we need a YouTube channel and how to make one, so what do we put on it? Anything you want! (Don't infringe copyrights). Think of your YouTube channel like a blog. What do you put on your blog? Writing advice? Book trailers? Funny articles? Book reviews? (If you have a book out, you might even consider doing a reading).

You can put on these things on your YouTube channel. You're just going to have to get comfortable talking to a camera. Like blogs, the most trafficked YouTube channels are informative or funny. People want to know they're getting something when they come to visit you. I think the most popular author YouTube channel is John Green's, and it's not even always about writing. And you build your following the same way you built your blog. You become part of the reading/writing community. You comment on others' content. You follow channels you like and let them follow back. And you have a whole new platform. A place to reach people who may not be reading you yet.

Do you have a YouTube channel? What do you put on it? 


  1. "You're just going to have to get comfortable talking to a camera..."

    oh. That's all.

    *still laughing*

    Writer = Introvert. Yep, that's me.

  2. I do not have a You Tube channel, but perhaps I'll get one. I shall sing and dance on my channel. People will be frightened by it, but it's time I release my inner singing and dancing artistry.


  3. I'm already a little bit in love with John Green just from reading his writing. I am not sure my system can take the guy live, in person. Well, on video. Whatever.

  4. Must be interesting on video... Yeah, I don't see that happening.

  5. I'm an introvert too. And not quite comfortable in my own skin, forget a camera. But I'm still naive enough to think I'll have a book tour one day. And when I do, I'll have to see way too many people. So YouTube, where I can delete stuff and edit a million times before going live is good practice. Not to mention, they pay for content.

  6. Wow, I didn't realize blogging was falling by the wayside and being replaced with media outlets like YouTube as a way to connect. I'll have to look into setting up my own channel. Cool info!!


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