Sunday, June 15, 2014

This week: long crits!

It's my turn to host here at Unicorn Bell, so that means long form crits! If you have a scene or two -- up to 1,500 words -- that you'd like critiqued, send it on in to unicornbellsubmissions at Gmail. Open to any genre, YA/NA/adult, and it does not have to be the opening scene.

Please include your WIP's title, genre, and any info the readers need to know if this scene comes late in the story. Specific questions welcome. This will not be a line/copyedit unless you somehow stump me into having nothing to say about your narrative voice, character motivations, dialogue, world-building, etc. That's pretty rare, but it has happened.

The hopper is currently empty. All submissions are anonymous. Go for it!

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