Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Market Report

Over at my other blog, mainewords, I occasionally post about the tidbits I find in Writer's Digest Magazine. Recently there was an article showcasing the market for genre short stories and I thought I'd share a few with you. Oh, and these are PAYING markets :)

Children's and YA: Cricket Magazine - circ 73,000 - Monthly magazine aimed at ages 9-14, seeking fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.

Crime, Mystery & Suspense: The Strand Magazine - circ 50,000 Quarterly magazine focusing on mystery and suspense in settings ranging from "Victorian England to turn-of-the-century Prage to modern-day England and America."

Religious/Spiritual: Alive Now - circ 70,000 Bimonthly magazine seeking religiously themed fiction, poetry, and prayers. 

Scifi/Fantasy/Horror: Shimmer Magazine - Quarterly magazine that "aspires to publish excellent fiction across lines of race, income, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ages, geography, and cultures, and therefore encourages submissions of diverse stories from diverse authors."

Do you write short? I tend to write long (I can count on one hand the number of shorts I've written) but it can be a great way to break in, and it used to be the way a lot of authors got their start.


  1. Thanks for the report ;) I don't think my shorts are long enough to be a story haha

  2. Lately, I've been practicing writing short more while I continue writing novels (2) in the background.

    I joined WEP which encourages short fiction in a flexible format once a month. I've added a WEP tab on my blog if you want to see examples or go to Denise Covey's site.

    I'll be subbing this summer so thanks for links!!

  3. I wrote a bunch of shorts when I started out. Then when I couldn't find a market for them, I gave them up. Well, that, and they were awful.


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