Monday, June 2, 2014


Well, I said this post would be a surprise if I didn't get any submissions so, a surprise it is. I'm actually winging this as I write, trying to think, what would be useful AND entertaining. Because that's the aim, right? To post about something people will find both helpful and fun. I think first page/chapter/whathaveyou critiques are a ton of fun and exceedingly helpful. It's easier to see the faults in others than in ourselves but the more I see what isn't working on a page, the easier it becomes to recognize those same problems in my own work. Plus I love getting a first glimpse into someone else's world :) So, on that note I encourage YOU to send me a first page (or some damn thing to crit) - otherwise you're going to get more surprise posts from me this week!

What do you think about critiques? Find them helpful? Dull as dirt?


  1. This is going to sound weird, but I think I'm addicted to a well thought out critique.

    If a reader has taken the time to share what they like and what didn't work for them, I can make a better decision about changes I need to make. Sometimes I don't agree with what they think needs to happen, but it can show me where I wasn't getting my point across clearly enough. It's all good in my book.

    Do you still have the first page I sent you before that you didn't need to use?

  2. I can't believe you haven't gotten any... I love your crits. If you hadn't critiques all my manuscripts already, I'd have something to send...

  3. Hey, Marcy,

    For the most part critiques are VERY HELPFUL. As you said, we can't see our flaws as easily as we see others....

    I hope you get tons of pages ... We need to keep you out of trouble. LOL.

  4. Hopefully this got you some submissions.

  5. Helpful!!! Thank you for all you do! As I read the last one, I tried to reword the use of "was" in my WIP.

  6. Critiques help me to strengthen my work.


Your turn.

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