Saturday, April 26, 2014

Fairy Tale Genre Wars Blogfest

A couple of years ago I participated in a wonderfully fun blogfest where we chose a favorite fairy tale or nursery rhyme and rewrote it in a different genre. I thought we could do the same here on Unicorn Bell.
So what's your favorite genre to write? Feel up to the challenge?

Pick a story, any story, and rewrite it as steampunk, paranormal, military scifi, horror, cozy mystery, spy novel, whatever--all in 1-1500 words. Sign up in the linky below and post your blogfest piece on May 12th. Spend the week visiting the others in the list and enjoy some great stories.

NOTE: This blogfest is being postponed until we've all recovered from the A to Z Challenge. Stay tuned for the new dates!


  1. Hi Marcy! I am your newest follower on this blog, and I just hopped over from Michael's blog. I love the review he wrote on your book, so naturally I purchased a copy(can't wait to read it). I'd love to join this blog fast because I'd really enjoy rewriting a fairy tale; unfortunately, I've already signed up for a few things during the first few weeks of May. I can't really add any to the list.
    Maybe another time.

  2. So much to do, so tired from A to Z, but I'm inspired! Thank you for hosting!

  3. Great idea! My post is scheduled and ready for the party :)

  4. Wish I'd seen this in time to add it to my IWSG post for May. Sorry.

    This sounds cool. I'll try and hope I can produce something worthy in such short notice.


Your turn.

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