Monday, January 20, 2014

Love is in the Air Blogfest

Whoo hoo! It's time for our first blogfest of honor of the quickly approaching Valentine's day...

It's a celebration of that little thing called love. Be it steamy or sweet, puppy, kitty, teen, aggravating, first kiss or final goodbye, let your scene tug at our heartstrings. Starting tomorrow, I'll share some of my favorite love scenes from books, TV and movies here.

Do you have a favorite love scene that you think I should mention? Tell us about it in the comments! 

Share your lovey dovey post on your blog today, make sure you're signed up in the linky below, and then visit and comment on the other blogs on the list.


  1. Mine's up! #14 on the list -- and your first sample of DISCIPLE, PART IV... (on sale March 1st)

  2. I'm so excited to be taking part in this blogfest!

  3. So far I've loved all the entries! It's neat to see all the different ways we think of love.

    Thank you everyone who has participated so far.

  4. Sorry, I can't. I just can't...

  5. What a cute blogfest! It's a little early for Valentine's Day, I think, but it is still fun and exciting. I just signed up and will be posting my entry in a couple days. I'll be checking back then to go around and visit all the other blogs!

    ~Wendy Lu

    The Red Angel


Your turn.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.