Friday, January 24, 2014

Carrots and Blythe Grow Up Together

Thanks to YouTube for providing the clips this week, but more importantly...


to all who participated in our first blogfest of 2014.

There were all kinds of different love posts to enjoy. What was your favorite entry? Please tell us in the comments so we can give a shout out to those bloggers one more time. If you missed the list with all the blog participants, click HERE.

I have to end the week with Anne Shirley. She has been my kindred spirit since I was twelve years old. We are alike in so many ways that if she had lived in real life I'd know for a fact I was her reincarnated. One of the things I love about Anne and Gilbert is that they were childhood classmates who grew up to be more.

It sort of reminds me of me and my hubby who met when we were twelve. Friendship to love is always the best kind in my mind. The kind of love with real staying power.


  1. I read all the books, but I haven't seen any of the movies. These videos made me all teary-eyed. I need to track these down.

  2. Sigh. Thank you for making my Friday!

  3. Good stuff. There will never be anyone for me but you.


Your turn.

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