Friday, November 1, 2013

For the Abstainers

Okay, they're all gone, right? Who? The crazy writers doing the National Novel Writing Month.

With them gone, I can admit this. I'm not doing it. It's not the way my brain works. And considering the stuff I have due this month, I know there's no way I can do it even if I had a mind to. (It's kind of a miracle that I even got my posts done this week.)

I wish the NaNoers all the luck in the world, but I'm cheering from the sidelines.

What about the rest of you? I can't be the only one. If you're not doing NaNo, why not? (I'm not judging. I'm curious.)


  1. I've never done NaNo~ it just doesn't fit with my schedule as a mom and, honestly, I feel like I don't need the extra thing on my to-do list that I don't end up doing (MUST HIT DAILY NANO TARGET WORD COUNT!). I don't even get the laundry done promptly, as is. I can definitely write more on some days, but I feel like the pressure to write 50,000 words in a month would be more of a dreaded obligation than a cool motivator.

    THAT SAID, if I didn't have kids, I'd probably give it a try. If you approach NaNo with the right attitude (which I'm personally unable/unwilling to do right now), I think it's sounds like a blast!

  2. I can't do it either. November is full of family events and we'll be traveling quite a bit. There is no way I can commit to writing unless I quit my job (which isn't happening any time soon). I wish everyone luck and if I manage to bring my 23K WIP to 50K by the end of this month, I'll consider myself a winner too :)

  3. It's not how I write and like Patchi, I'll be traveling for Thanksgiving and visiting with people I haven't seen so I know I won't get any writing done then. But I wish the best of luck to everyone who participates :)

  4. I signed up and my computer died three days. I have been calling to get someone to fix it, but no luck. I think fate is trying to tell me something!!!

  5. Nope. Not how I work. I think, anyway. Maybe I NEED to pressure. :P Part of me wonders why November was chosen for this. I mean seriously?! Talk about sadistic!

  6. I know! November is the wrong month for this sort of thing. I guess that's why there's a June version.

  7. I think Jess (above) said it all - as far as I am concerned...

    "...only change 'dad' for 'mom'", he said, with a strong grip on his laminated ManCard:)


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