Saturday, October 12, 2013

Winners of Wilder Mage!!

Executing a kissing scene is tricky. There are only so many ways to describe it. So try for a different take. Look for something that sets it apart, a bit of humor, a broken cup, Doritos; do something that causes the reader to remain on the page, in the moment.

In addition, that first kiss is all-important. Don’t rush it. Your characters should never meet then fall into each other’s arms in the first alone-scene. Avoid that. Give them time to get to know each other. Likewise the reader. Before we ‘feel’ the moment when two characters kiss, we must be invested in the characters.

My impressions:

#1. A Game of Cat and Horse. It is very difficult to do an emotional scene properly when it is in third-person. Good job. In first-person, the writer can portray inner thoughts, a lot easier. Love the title, btw.

#2. Dear Katherine. Excellent use of short, dynamic sentences. Of which I am most definitely a fan. 

#3. Deceptive Cadence. Love the title and lovelovelove the MC’s name. Wish I’d thought of it! Good example of creating a unique kissing scene. 

#4. Out of Touch. Made me smile. This is also a different way to show a kiss. The mechanics are the same but putting a little background into the scene intrigues the reader.

Since I am the moderator and issuer of prizes, I decided to break my own rules. Besides, how can I possibly choose one out of these four excellent candidates?

All four entries are winners! 

Send me an email at:beccoff(at)nwmo(dot)net with your preferred format in Ebook. Or whether you want to wait for the glue-and-paper book of Wilder Mage, currently #13 in Magic and Wizards Fantasy and #26 in Urban Fantasy

"The earthquake wasn't his fault. Not this time."


  1. Rules? I thought they were guidelines ;)

    Can't wait to read WM!

  2. Trust me, you guys who won are going to be very happy!

  3. Breaking rules ... you little rebel. ^_^

    To be fair, I don't think I could've picked a winner either.

  4. Great descriptive detail in those scenes.

    Hi. I'm here thanks to Robin, and I'll be back.



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