Monday, August 26, 2013

The Case of the Mystery Doorbell

This week because I am IN CONTROL! *Bwahaha* And I think they're fun...

And it's good to get the creative juices flowing every so often...
We're doing Round Robin Writing!

I'll start....Then you all chime in in the comments section.

Today's Prompt:

Bryan lifted his head from the sink, toothpaste dribbling down his chin. That's odd, he thought. When did we get a doorbell...


  1. Fun!! Okay, here goes...

    He grabbed a towel to wipe his face before stepping out of the bathroom. The bell chimed again, but it sounded as if it were coming from upstairs instead of the front door...

  2. He paused at the foot of the steps.
    *ding, ding*
    This is nuts, he thought.
    A noise like crumpling plastic wrap made his heart jump.
    *DING, DING*
    A light, brilliant and cutting, hit him and

  3. then he remembered that the previous night, whilst in a drunken stupor with his mates,they had rewired all the bells on the main doorway of the apartment building. Staring at the light he realised there was someone on the other end of it.

    Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe

  4. "May I come in?" the stranger asked.
    Bryan did not recognized the black-clad figure, but the accent was clearly southern. "Are you sure you have the right apartment?"

  5. Eying the scythe in the man's hand, Bryan couldn't decide if he was still suffering from last night's antics, or dealing with a lost farmer.

    "I have the right address," the stranger informed and checked a watch dangling from his pocket.

  6. The stranger snapped the golden timepiece shut, letting it rest on his pale palm like a circle of lost sunshine.

    "You can let me in, if you want. Or just stand there with dried toothpaste streaking the side of your face like chalk."

    Bryan stumbled backwards, knocked his elbow on the wall and muttered a curse. Reaching a hand to his face, he rubbed a fingertip over the residue.

    "How'd he..."

    "Listen, young man," the stranger continued. "Ringing the bell was just a courtesy."

  7. Bryan regained his feet along with his wits. He ran in the opposite direction, but he seemed to go nowhere.

  8. startled, alarmed, he ran from the bathroom to the front door, thinking what could possibly be wrong. The towel dropped from his waist just as the door swung wide open. There he stood completely naked staring out at his wife who was holding in one hand a little buzzer. In the other hand she was helping all their friends hold up a giant sign saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"


Your turn.

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