Sunday, August 11, 2013

Query Con 2013

Think of us as a dating service that starts with a makeover.

First, we primp the writer’s submissions, pluck a few eyebrows, straighten the tie, and shine the shoes. At UnicornBell, we give you the tools, the virtual tweezers and the shoe polish. You provide ambition and your willingness to accept criticism.

And talent. The talent we see at UB is aMazinG.
What's more important: Talent or Persistence? Talent is more important, but useless, in the majority of cases, without persistence – Unknown
The key is Persistence. Combine it with Sense of Humor and the result is Published Author. But arriving at the destination of Published Author starts with a question:

What is your book about?

It’s called marketing. Yes, the word that all introverts like me dreads. Until you hook that editor or agent, you won’t get anywhere, no matter your talent or persistence.
You’re not finished when you’re defeated. You’re finished when you quit – Unknown
Last year, we started something, our Schools In Session or Query Con. Charity, our majorly divine moderator with a minor in superhuman powers, was the inspiration and absolute work horse for all of us at UB. Her efforts and jaw-dropping skills made the contest a success. Kudos to her. And my thanks.

Query Con 2013 starts in September. Get your manuscript polished to a mirror shine because we have a great line up of editors ready to look at that finished product.

It begins with a query and finding the Wow Factor.

It begins with Query Con.
Rejected pieces aren't failure; unwritten pieces are - Greg Daugherty


  1. Oh cool! Looking forward to seeing the queries that benefit from this!

  2. I can't wait!! My kids go back to school in one week and I'll have more time to devote to preparations. :)

    This is our ultimate attempt at giving back to YOU! Our followers and fellow writers. What have you got to lose? Nothing! So get those manuscripts ready if you're close, or just come learn with us if you're just starting. It's all good here at UB.

  3. Do you have a badge and a Linky List for Query Con? Hmmm ... I wonder if I've been conditioned to think these are mandatory for an event.

    1. No Linky. It isn't that kind of contest. More like a convention. Or School's In Session event.

      Badge is coming soon!

  4. i'm so luckin' forweird to dis won and my manuscript is poolished and ready to shoe !



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