Monday, April 8, 2013

New Reads

Thank you for dropping by in this busy blogging month of April. Since half the Internet (at last count) is doing the A to Z Challenge, I thought I’d keep things kind of light this week.

One thing they tell us writers to do is to read. A lot. Well, we wouldn’t be writers if we didn’t enjoy reading. (This is an assumption on my part. True for me. True for you, too?) But sometimes it’s hard to find new books to read.

(Well, not really. Not in the blogging world. There seem to be new book announcements all the time. But what do you do when you’ve finished all those?)
  • I know Goodreads is popular (although I’ve yet to jump on the bandwagon).

  • There’s Booklamp. They say they’re kind of like Pandora but for books instead of music.

  • If you like to find ebooks of the free variety, Free eBooks Daily posts several new free books every day (alas, there’s a shortage of free Nook books).

What sites do you visit to find new books?


  1. Aside from Goodreads and Amazon there's also this: and this one:

  2. Amazon has the leading library for prime members like me. I can 'check out' one book a month. The trick is getting one before the daughter picks one. Ha.

    Pandora is fantastic, btw. Love it much, much better than SirusXM. I have the ap on my tablet and phone and can listen anytime, anywhere I want
    CD Coffelt ponders at Spirit Called

    1. I wish they would do that for the Nook as well.

  3. New books catch my eyes mostly when I'm on Amazon and looking at other stuff.

  4. I've got so many new books that it's almost overwhelming.

    1. I have to limit my book browsing or my TBR pile will get out of control.

  5. I've been doing google searches for good urban fantasy, because I just wrote one but had only read The Dresden Files beforehand. I don't use one site in particular, just whatever comes up.

    I haven't been posting as much, either, with all the A-Z posts. What brave souls! I have too much to do to deal with that hassle.

    1. I'm doing A to Z on my own blog, so that's why the brief posts here.

  6. Great post. I find it interesting to see where people find their new books. I search on-line for lists. They are usually provided by a range of libraries and people with particular interest in the genres I am currently reading.


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