Monday, November 26, 2012

Getting Back to Writing

Have you survived the holiday weekend? Did you get any writing done?

I always have such high hopes for writing during Thanksgiving. After a full morning of cooking, an afternoon of eating and a good night's sleep, my family enjoys a couple of days of nothing but TV and movies. In the past this has meant two days of good writing time, however I didn't get it this year.

This means that today finds me struggling to shake off the vestiges of laziness. The kids are back in school, hubby back to work, and it's time for me to sit down and get to work.

How about you? Do you find it hard to find your groove after several days off of writing?

This week I'll provide a writing prompt each day to help us get back into the swing of things. Write about 300 words on the prompt to share in the comments, then put it away and work on your own project for the rest of your writing time.

Today's prompt is as follows:

Write about your favorite holiday memory. Incorporate the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes in the memory.


  1. I won't really have time for writing until maybe the weekend. Life keeps distracting me.

    1. That happens all too often, doesn't it? Good thing you've earned a break. ;) There have been lots of good reviews of Occulus floating around the web. Congratulations!

      I didn't even get around to doing the prompt. However, I did get a good several hours of writing time in today.

  2. It started in 1980, our Thanksgiving dinners. My two brothers, their growing families, the hubby, my mom and me. As in all families, we grew into nieces, nephews, more in-laws, and little ‘uns’ under our feet or table playing spaceman.
    One memorable holiday began with a poinsettia, a camcorder, crushed Oreos, and a shout of ‘what the hell?’
    My niece, Paula, strolled in carrying an artificial plant, a poinsettia stuck in dirt. She set it on the table like a bishop carrying the crown of England. Mom and I eyed it and made faces but good manners prevailed. We shrugged and continued forcing bread stuffing up the turkey’s butt.
    After the consumption of bird, noodles, mashed potatoes, and green bean casserole, the desserts loomed like a rainbow’s pot of gold to a leprechaun. Apple pie, pecan, and gooey cake (yes, that is its name and you wanna lick your fingers too).
    Just before the meal, Mom had taken Paula’s poinsettia offering and set it aside to make room for the plates and dinnerware. Now Paula pushed the used forks and spoons aside and set the flowerpot back in the center of the table with a flourish. A camcorder recorded this and her next words.
    “Shall we have some dessert?”
    The camcorder then caught the gasps from me and Mom when Paula jerked the plant out by its wired roots and dirt flicked onto the table and the leftovers.
    She began digging into the soil with a spoon. I thought she’d flipped out. The camcorder captured my next words also, words that cause family and friends to whoop with laughter when they watch it.
    “What the hell?!”
    But no one can blame me. I mean crushed Oreos and whipped cream do look exactly like potting soil.
    It tasted great by the way.

  3. I've been in a scurry to finish all the holiday shopping so I can wrap and ship gifts to people around the world before time runs out. It's been a crazy race the last few days. I planned to write tonight, but it's already 10:30, and I just sat down to write. Likely won't last long before passing out. On the up side, I have tomorrow. I just have to get my patootie in gear and do it! *Braveheart-style berserker screaming ensues*


Your turn.

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