Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mind Altering

I won't mince words.

I've read a lot of books.


I can't even begin to count the number of books I've read over the course of my life.

And when I decided, and I mean really *Decided* that I wanted to define myself as a Writer I thought that having read so many books would have helped in some way.

Which it did.

Sort of.

Reading other peoples work is only half the battle. But what I really wanted? To be let in on all the dirty little secrets of the underworld of writing. The bones of it. HOW the hell do I create an f'in VOICE?! And what the heck do I do with all this research?

I happened, quite by chance, to pick up a for free through B&N's Free Friday program... called Hooked by Les Edgerton. I read it in 2 days. I then went to my computer and deleted, not save and started new, DELETED my current wip.

Totally changed my writing style. Totally changed my outlook on writing in general.

It's a very quick, easy read. He uses very understandable examples. Like when explaining inciting incident. He uses Thelma and Louise. Very clear. Or the whole voice thing, and not using dialog tags. My eyes were opened. I think I actually went, "Oh!" Out loud.

I highly recommend this book to everyone, no matter where they are in their writing career. It's a funny, easy, quick read. I'm telling you, it'll change how you view your writing.

What books changed your life? Writing or otherwise?


  1. Interesting. I might pick it up. I'm also considering "Be the Monkey" which a couple of writers I respect have recommended.
    You're never too experienced to learn. I've been a full time freelanacer for ten years and have a dozen books under my belt and I'm still learning!

    1. I've heard of this one too... It's always good to keep learning. :)

  2. I've heard a lot of good things about that book.

  3. Being of the Spec Fic genre, Orson Scott Card's How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy was a big influence for me. Now I must try to acquire this Hooked.

    1. I'm a huge OSC fan...I had no idea he'd written a 'how to' book! Must find...

    2. I've read this and LOVED it. The other book I really liked was World's of Wonder: How to write science fiction and fantasy by David Gerrold.

  4. I've never heard of this book but now I think I need to get my hands on it. I always seem to have problems with grammar and using passive voice too much. I overuse the word "was." Thanks for this tip!~

    1. I don't recall a grammar section in there...but he was a huge help with beefing up my voice.

  5. changed? idk , but i admired "to kill a mocking bird" . short , somewhat simple and the content but blew my minds off :)

  6. My stomach dropped (really!) when I read that you deleted your wip.

    I never delete anything but save versions of all my works. Sometimes just for a laugh or a groan later on but still, DEleTE it? Ack, never.

  7. HOOKED sounds wonderful. I wish I could get it, but I'm sure glad it helped you. Yay! :-)


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