Friday, August 17, 2012

Interview with Guest Judge Nancy Bell

Here's a reminder of what she's looking for in a manuscript at this time.

MuseItUp is looking for more dark fiction, horror, as we are light in that department. However, romance, historical romance, YA/MG from a male POV that will entice that sector. Of course, we are open to anything that is well written and crafted. We don't publish literary fiction or poetry.

1. How did you decide to get into editing/publishing?
I have always been interested, and when Lea from MuseItUp Publishing put out a call for editors I thought why not apply and see what happens. I am very blessed that Muse offered me a spot as content editor.

2. Why did you choose the publisher you are working with now?
I first came to know Lea through the MuseOnLineWriters Conference and was impressed by her professionalism and her openness in helping authors. Her advice was always good and there was a never any negative connotations. It was a natural to apply to Lea when she opened MuseItUp Publishing, I knew this was a lady I could work with whose values were similar to my own. (This is an EXCELLENT, totally FREE conference by the way! I've [Charity] been the last two years and highly suggest you bookmark the page now, and watch for when you can register. The next conference will be October 8-14th, 2012.)

3. What's your favorite part of the job?
I love reading submissions, it can be long and tedious some days but then a bright gem opens on my screen and it is magic. I love working and developing a relationship with my authors. Many of them have multiple books with us so it keeps me busy.

4. What is your current favorite book that you could read over and over?
Hmmm, that's hard. I have so many favorites. I guess I would have to say Charles de Lint's The Wild Wood followed closely by The Little Country by the same author. Sorry, I cheated, that's two books, but only one author. :~)

And a bit more to help you get to know Nancy:
Nancy Bell is proud Albertan, horsewoman, wife, mother and grandmother. She lives on a farm near Balzac, Alberta with her husband, five horses, two ponies, various dogs, cats and whatever else happens to wander into the yard. Nancy’s first poems and short stories were published while still in grade school and she won the 2009 Earthsongs Bardic Competition. Nancy works as an editor with MuseItUp Publishing a new Canadian epublisher where she enjoys the excitement of working with authors in the creative process. She also enjoys writing poetry and short stories.

Journey to a place where the impossible walks beside the possible. A place where miracles can happen.

You can read a blurb for this and Nancy's other books HERE.


  1. I love hearing about the little inside secrets of authors lives! I don't know, I guess because it makes me feel like I know them a little better.

    Thanks for the online conference info. That gives me something new to look forward to in October. My calendar is added to on a daily basis:)

    So, I now have a new book to buy and read:)

  2. The cover alone is enticing. Just the kind of book I love.

  3. It has been so nice to hear how excited the judges are to work with authors and find new stories from new authors. Kind of gives me hope.


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