Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Writer's Block Workshop

This week I'm talking basics. Not the basics of plot, dialog, character, et al. No, I'm talking the basics of sitting down and writing. Anything.

A schedule is a good thing to have, but it won't work if you don't have anything to write. Like, for example, right now I'm having novel issues. I know that I need a good climax to finish off my story, but it just isn't coming. I have an idea of where I need to go. It's the specifics that won't show themselves to me.

So, I've been spending a lot of time brainstorming. I have this thing I call my Writer's Block Workshop. I write about the problems I'm having. I write about where I want the story to go. I write. Sometimes it helps.

I'd like to take credit for the idea, but it isn't mine. I was first introduced to the concept in a newspaper article. Helpfully, Elizabeth George (the interviewee) posted it on her website, and it's called "Getting it Write".

Like most writing advice I come across, I modify it to fit me. And I throw out what doesn't work.

Do you have any good tips? What do you do when the words won't come?


  1. Stream of consciousness writing. Maybe that's what you're saying already.

  2. Walk on my treadmill. That is the one sure-fire way to kick the words out of my subconscious.

  3. Walking or running often helps, or trying to think about the spot I'm stuck in and find another way around. Often this means backtracking but if there's a road block then I need to find the detour, which is usually more interesting anyway!

    1. Sometimes the detours make the whole thing worth it.

  4. Replies
    1. That's a good one. Spend time working on something else so the subconscious can figure it out.

  5. Hot shower. Seriously. I sometimes get my best scenes worked out in the shower. (If it's a long scene, I get very pruney.)

    1. I have some of my best ideas in the shower.

  6. I'm having the same trouble. I have a nice outline, but I sit to write and the details hide themselves. I end up doing anything BUT write. So much for word count goals.

    1. I know what you mean. That's when I count my journaling towards word count. I'm working on the novel, sort of.

  7. You know what brings ideas faster than anything for me? Try to go to bed. My brain has this weird sense of humor. It doesn't have any ideas at all until I crawl into bed and turn off the lights. Then it gets all kinds of ideas on character conversations and what not.

    Crazy brain.

    Great idea for posts this week by the way!


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