Friday, April 13, 2012

Some Exciting News

Marcy asked me to share my good news with you today. I'm excited to announce that this week I signed a contract with WiDo Publishing for my first novel Sendek: The Magic Wakes. It will come out in their 2013 line-up!

The dream has been years in the making and I almost decided it wouldn't happen. Perhaps you have reached the same point in your writing career? You love it but are losing hope that you will ever see your name on a book cover unless you self-publish.

Don't Give Up!

Dig deep and ask yourself what your dream really is. When I looked in my heart I realized that more than anything I just wanted to share my story with the world. It's not about fame or fortune. For me it's about providing entertainment, escape from our every day lives, and just bringing a smile to someone who needs a break from reality.

But I didn't want to do it on my own. That thought paralyzed me. 

So, I started researching smaller publishers until I found a few that I felt good about. I actually received two offers! In the end I chose WiDo because I already knew a couple of authors that have published with them and they only had good things to say about them.

After signing the contract I waited to feel let down for giving up the agent and Big 6 dream. But you know what? It never came. In fact, I've grown more and more excited each day. This really IS the right choice for me.

That's what I want you to find out for you. What will be the best choice for you and your story? It will be slightly different for all of us, so don't be afraid. Don't compare your journey with someone else. Find your path and enjoy every step!

What am I the most excited about? 
  • Having a team of people help me make Sendek the best story it can be and help me spread the word about it. 
  • People will finally get to read the whole story. I hope they like it as much as I do.
  • I'm going to get to hold MY book in my hands with MY name on it!
  • I can't wait to see the cover for it.
While I'm waiting to start the editing process, I'm working on a website and a facebook page to share information as I receive it.

What kind of things you like to see on these types of media? Please share in the comments so I can make it as user friendly as possible.

Oh, and please go vote in my science vs. magic poll on the facebook page. Pretty please? 


  1. Congratulations, I'm happy for you :) It must be such a lovely feeling to get your dream after wanting it for so long :)

    Nikki – inspire nordic

    1. Thanks Nikki! It is lovely, and a little intimidating. Now that worry about "will people like it?" has a new meaning because there will be an opportunity for them to read it.

  2. I want to hold your book in my hands also. After your family, I'll be the one elbowing my way to the front of the line to get it.

    A heart-felt Congrats. Your happiness and success means more to me than I can say. Consider me your biggest fan and cheerleader when your book is out.

    1. *hugs* You're on my acknowledgements page. I couldn't have survived without your help and encouragement. How are we going to get through these next months with MORE waiting???

    2. *sniff*
      dang it. The older I get, the more emotional I become.

      *note to self: must remember to blame it on allergies from now on*

  3. who-hoo! So exciting! Congrats...I will def. be in line to buy your book as well- hard copy! :)

  4. That kicks ASS! :) *Does happy clogging dance* can't wait to see it, feel it, smell it, stalk it !! Awesome awesome!

    1. LOL, my favorite line is "stalk it!" Cool, I can haz stalkers?

  5. Wow. Wow. Wow. Super news. When it feels so right, you know you've mined gold. Congratulations.

  6. Congratulations! I can almost feel your excitement across the blogsphere. Your words of encouragement are very inspirational.

    1. Thank you! Now take that excitement and run with it.

  7. Awesome. I'm a fan of WiDo, and they are on my list of publishers to submit to as soon as I get something publishing ready. I'm excited for you Charity. Congrats.


    1. Me too! I'll keep you posted on how the whole experience is. So far their response times are great and everyone is so nice.

  8. Charity I'm so glad you shared, this is such cool news! You deserve it!!!

  9. Tara--Congrats! I, too, felt like 'the dream' would never happen. But like you said-I didn't give up. My publisher is small/med press and I LOVE them! We have a great relationship! I know you'll enjoy your experience. )

    I'm still working on my website and marketing things, so not sure I can be helpful in that area.

    Again, congrats!!

  10. Congratulations! I haven't lost hope yet, and stories like yours serve to keep me inspired and hopeful. On author web pages I like to see the bio, fun facts are always a plus, book and release info, signing info/locations, stuff about the book, etc.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z


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