Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pump-Up Creativity Prompt!

Sit around and wait for inspiration to strike you, and you could be waiting a very long time. There is no perfect mood or time to write. You need to just write when the moment arrives, as in, the very second you can tear away from your life and responsibilities and just let loose with all that creativity you’ve got stored up, needing release.

For today’s prompt which I hope will get the words pumping, I encourage a three-to-five sentence paragraph in which someone just needs to let loose and have some fun. It can be a fictional person, or it could be someone you know. If it’s the latter, however, you might be better off just coming up with an imagined person, or you could put yourself in if you’re so inclined. Bonus kudos for anyone whose prompt entry can get me singing Footloose by Kenny Loggins. Have fun!


  1. He stood in the security line, people closer to him than they would have been had they had a choice. Impatience bubbled in his stomach as the radio played over the airport's speakers. His tapping foot changed its beat to match the song and a slow smile split across his face. Why not? He started to dance, laughing at the crazy looks people gave him.

    1. This is great! I've always wanted to just break out into song or dance in one of these stupid lines...though you know all that's going to happen is a taser to the side of the head.

      Meanwhile...I e-mailed my 'too long' submission! duh! I'll edit first.

  2. After a few moments of impatient crouching, they could hear his footsteps echo down the stone corridor to his unsuspecting doom. Mimi and Anoria clutched each other and covered their mouths, trying desperately not to laugh out loud. Then, just as he passed beneath them, “Bombs Away!” From the colorful pile beside them they pelted him with bloated water balloons, soaking him to the bone with frigid water. Splash! WHAM! Bloosh! Linking arms, they skipped happily away.

  3. Footloose is the best song for this. Lol

  4. That song always gets me going! So true that I can't wait for inspiration to strike! I've been doing just that for a week. Thanks for this.


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