Saturday, April 23, 2011

Critique Group for True Believers

This is the beginning of a small but thorough critique group, meant for the serious writer. If you aren’t serious, this isn’t the place for you.
Several Unbreakable Vows.
*Knowledge. Be prepared to back up your crits. Never stop learning.
*Courtesy. I am a big believer of In My Humble Opinion. No nasties allowed.
*Manageable. Small but thorough is the key to this Critique Group.
Read the following questions that I totally stole from Critique Sisters Corner.


  1. I'm involved with a ftf crit group already, or I'd jump on this. Sounds exciting. I'm querying the first novel (occasionally) in a women's fiction trilogy, but haven't had time yet to do any edits on the other two. Lately I've been writing some short stories, but again, not as diligently as I should.

    I'll check back and see how things are going for you though.


  2. This sounds like such an exciting opportunity...but I'm so swamped at the moment I don't think I can give the commitment a genuine critique group takes. Wish you luck with yours though. A good critique group is gold.

  3. This is a fantastic idea - and I've been looking for a great group of CP's for awhile now...and well, since Huntress and I tend to patrol the same stomping grounds, I couldn't pass up this opportunity!
    Looking forward to reading, learning, laughing, and creating some great new writer friends.

  4. Great idea, girls! And You have the beginnings of a good group here. Can't wait to watch you grow and flourish. Good luck!


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